Spring 2010

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Moving from landscapes into abstract expressionism is similar to the stream of consciousness style of writing. Abstract expressionism is a form of art which captures the essence of something. For me this year, it will be the colors of the seasons. This has been a purely intuitive process and one which I find very liberating. Look for titles such as, “The Color of the Wind” and “Fragrant Earth” and “The Sound of the Rain”. It’s a very exciting concept and I can’t wait to delve into it. These abstracts will initially be of small format, but would be particularly powerful statements in very large proportions on canvas, available on a commission basis.


The long, endless, gray months of Winter are over and my time is now spent lingering in the garden savoring the earliest signs of Spring -- watching the pointed tips of bulbs breaking through the dark, rich soil still covered by autumn leaves -- earlier blooming snowdrops and crocuses offering honey bees sustenance -- warm sunshine beating on our now upturned faces as we watch billowy white clouds pass in the breeze -- the delicate sounds of birds singing while they gather dried grasses for their nests -- the sweet, familiar fragrance of earth moistened by melting snows and quenching rains -- the sense of oneness with the universe, hope and spiritual cleansing . . . and for my husband, all this PLUS . . . Baseball’s Spring Training! So, look for all these subjects in my newest paintings of the season fresh from my studio easel to you!


With the onset of my 50th birthday this past Christmas along with other occurrences in my life, I’ve been given pause to reflect and redirect the focus of my work. One aspect has been emerging rather rapidly over the past year, which is to overcome my previous reluctance to release my grip with the 17th Century and move into the 21st Century. While my Capricorn nature is to gravitate toward all things of age, I have decided to strike a happy balance with the incorporation of traditional subjects presented in a more contemporary compositional format. Additionally, you will see some 20th Century items, recollections of my own childhood that will perhaps recall memories for you as well. I will still paint classical still lifes on occasion, but more effort will be dedicated toward the development of my personal style enhancing my skill level to be worthy of being considered contemporary realism.